Cancellation Right
§3 of our policies: Contract formation - cancellation right
(1) Contract formation
The contract is valid as soon as you have received the invoice. Payment is due straight with your order and must be received within 3 business days (Monday to Friday). Delivery time shown on top of the item description can only be met if you effect payment straight with your order. Therefore we sent you the first payment reminder as early as 1 hour after your order. Magic Tribal Hair is allowed to cancel your order if your payment has not received upon the third business day after your order. Please inform Magic Tribal Hair if the payment cannot be effected in time for any reasons!
(2) Cancellation right
Legal regulations apply. After you have paid your order this means: According to § 312 g BGB cancellation right does not apply to hand- & custom-made to order items. All items by Magic Tribal Hair are hand-made to order exclusively and only after payment. We don't sell any pre-produced items. Many of our items are made as per your specification, so we do not accept any returns.
Hair pieces, hair jewelry and costume accessories have direct contact with the body when worn. So returns are inacceptable for hygienic reasons as well, because we are not able to sell them to someone else.
Contact me in case of any questions:
Address for snail mail (no brick and mortar shop!):
Magic Tribal Hair
Melanie Penners
Schlegelstr. 30
50935 Cologne
Email: [email protected]
Land-line phone: 0049(0)221-2978136