Newsletter Info
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You can unsubscribe at any time by:
- answering our newsletter with "unsubscribe".
When you are using a mailing program please make sure you are sending the unsubscription from the mail address the newsletter is sent to. If you don't, we are not able to remove your address, because we simply won't know which one to unsubscribe. In this case you will still get our newsletter.
- changing the newsletter settings in your account with our shop.
Log in your account, your account information is shown. Click on edit next to newsletter and untick the checkbox to unsubscribe.
Get exclusive offers for newsletter recipients only (discount coupons or coupons for a little present with your order - these coupons are not published anywhere else and thus available for newsletter recipients only)!
Your information will never be passed on to third parties.
You can unsubscribe at any time by:
- answering our newsletter with "unsubscribe".
When you are using a mailing program please make sure you are sending the unsubscription from the mail address the newsletter is sent to. If you don't, we are not able to remove your address, because we simply won't know which one to unsubscribe. In this case you will still get our newsletter.
- changing the newsletter settings in your account with our shop.
Log in your account, your account information is shown. Click on edit next to newsletter and untick the checkbox to unsubscribe.