Hair Extensions - Storm- & Weatherproof, Now! (reading time 3 min with fun quiz)

Hair Extensions - Storm- & Weatherproof, Now! (reading time 3 min with fun quiz)

Storm and rain showers were forecasted for our hairstyle shooting on August 28, 2020. We picked a place where we were mostly protected from winds, but we took some unintentionally funny pictures anyway.

Wind and rain, the styling withstands - the secret behind: Magic Tribal Hair ;)!

Naturally this storm test was unintended, still we could take many great pictures and make the wonderful experiance how much rain and wind-resistant my hair pieces are! We couldn't go to the green places we planned to use as backgrounds and it was a bit cold, but model Maria Paz was very brave and kept smiling. The wall behind Maria Paz is in a small backyard here in Cologne, so we were a bit protected from winds and managed to take most of the hairstyles on our schedule. We were a bit lucky, too, because the strongest rain shower came down during our lunch break - perfect timing for us! 

Enjoy the following snapshots and try to guess the film and song titles I had in mind when writing the headlines, solutions at the bottom! 

The Windy Curl

Magic Tribal Hair Haarteile in der Sturmprobe - die flotte Locke

The Windy Curl 2 1/2

Stürmisches Haarteil-Shooting: Die flotte Locke zweieinhalb

The Windy Curl 33 1/3

Haarteile halten im Sturm: Die flotte Locke dreiunddreißig eindrilttel

Tousled with the Wind

Vom Winde verwurschtelt, Haarteil hält

Curls Blowing in the Wind

Haarteile im Sturm - Magic Tribal Hair sitzt

Double Curl Trouble

Eine Locke weht selten allein Extensions im Wind

The Wind in the Hairs

Der Wind in den Haaren - Magic Tribal Hair hält auch in stürmischem Wetter

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Lens

Wind- und wetterfeste Haarteile von Magic Tribal Hair

By the way, the shooting ahead of the stormy one was a very hot one during the last days of a heat wave. Here are some sunny greetings from the "sweaty shooting", Maria Paz on the left and me, Melanie at Magic Tribal Hair, on the right and wearing a mask. Both of us are wearing the same headband by the way, the elf braid, also called butterfly braid, in messy style and thick version! Naturally all other hair pieces will appear in the shop to order in your and any other hair color, soon!

Sonnige Gruesse mit Haarband Elfe messy Style

More coming soon!
Model Maria Paz and Melanie at Magic Tribal Hair

Solutions to just for fun quiz


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