Where's Magic Tribal Hair when the shop is offline all of a sudden? (reading time: 5 min)
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- By Melanie Penners
- Posted in behind the scenes, web shop
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This happened on Dec 29, 2018 and lasted for 48 hours - learn how to find us anyway to get information about your current order and how we keep you updated, in case this happens again!
Web shop gone - what's happening?
That's a big shock, but I will immediately take care of the situation, of course! I will try and find the error and if I won't succeed quickly, I will do all I can to inform you! Naturally I know that your shock is as big as mine if you have placed an order recently and then the shop seems to have vanished!
Magic Tribal Hair opened in 2009 by the way, we are becoming 10 this year. In all these 10 years this catastrophe happened only once for a longer period, which was now, from afternoon Dec 29 to afternoon Dec 31, 2018. This gave me the idea for this article, because it could be good to know how everything is taken care of behind the scenes if this happens again!
You find us online in several places ;)!
Besides this European website we have a U.S. website at www.magictribalhair.com, a shop at Etsy www.etsy.com/shop/MagicTribalHair, the page at faceboock www.facebook.com/MagicTribalHair etc.. Just google Magic Tribal Hair and you will quickly see where else to find us. If one place is down, you can always go to the others to check for our mail address and phone number and for contacting me for example about an open order. Plus I will use these other places to inform you about the website being down and give you updates there.
What does "shop gone" mean precisely?
Luckily this only means the shop is unavailable at the moment or in other words offline. It still does exist, your orders have not vanished and everything will be fine again, soon! What you see and the backoffice where your orders are are different places, so if the shop you see is offline I still have access to all the important data of your orders and payments and your will get your delivery as planned!
How were shop visitors and customers waiting for orders informed when this incident happened?
When I noticed that the issue was not to fix promptly, I redirected all shop visitors to the U.S. site. Customers with a delivery address in Europe cannot order there, but this is not of major importance: It's more important for you to know what has happened to your orders and Magic Tribal Hair and this is what I could perfectly do there. So customers saw the U.S. shop with this big banner instead of just an error warning.
When clicking the banner the info site opened and you could read this:
Dear customers,
our European website www.magic-tribal-hair.com has been down since afternoon December 29, 2018 due to technical issues. The person in charge at our hosting company is off for the holidays and the team taking care of the U.S. site does not have any access to the European sites, so this issue cannot be solved at the moment. We are extremely unhappy about this situation and apologize for any incovenience.
Please understand that you need a delivery address outside Europe to make purchases in this shop here, www.magictribalhair.com. This is due to tax and legal reasons, so we are not allowed to open this shop for customers in Europe while the European site is down.
All orders placed through the European website
will be fulfilled as promised, please contact me with your full name and subject European Website Order if you have any questions about your order while the site is offline! The European mail address [email protected] still applies!
Coupon codes for the European shop expiring on December 31, 2018
will be activated again for minimum a week from the day the shop is back online again. This applies to personal discount coupons as well as to the special on site offers. Updates will be published here and be e-mailed in our newsletter!
Happy Holidays,
Melanie at Magic Tribal Hair
When the problem was solved I exchanged the banner into the one you can see in the first picture of this article and added the following info to the info section:
SOLVED! www.magic-tribal-hair.com is online again!
All coupon codes for the European website originally expiring Dec 31, 2018 have been extended until Jan 7, 2019 to compensate for the 2 days where you could not place an order and redeem them! This also applies to the free bronze or silver hair flower offer, see slideshow on European website!
I am super happy about the fix being operated earlier than expected and wish everyone a happy new year!
Melanie at Magic Tribal Hair
I added an info post to our facebook page, too:
Click the picture to see the original post on facebook and if you wish to read the entire text!
Last but not least there is the shop newsletter!
I would use this one to communicate a long-term technical issue which will hopefully never happen! In this case I will inform all newsletter recipients about their coupons being extended, so they are still able to redeem them. If you are not getting our newsletter, yet, feel free to subscribe at the bottom of this page!
What exactly was the issue?
This is not clear, yet, I have a strong assumption, but I only want to tell more when I can be sure about what happened. I will update you, because I strongly believe in transparency!
As a consequence my usual plea: Contact me for questions, criticism and suggestions by commenting on this article or sending an e-mail to [email protected]!
Happy new year,
Melanie at Magic Tribal Hair
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