Real Reviews

Magic Tribal Hair counts and publishes only authentic reviews by real customers! The review score shows the average of all product reviews. It's updated once a month.

review score of all product reviews updated on August 3, 2024

Everything's Handmade at Magic Tribal Hair's

I am Melanie and I manually check all reviews before they are published. If I cannot relate name or email address to an order I delete respective reviews.

Only authentic reviews left by real customers are helful for you

Sometimes I will add a comment at the end of the review which I mark as such, of course. 

Exklusive Website Offer: All Reviews at a Glance!

I value the overall picture, so you will find reviews left for Magic Tribal Hair on our U.S. site and left on Etsy here as well. The website accepts reviews with text only, because simple star reviews do not tell you what someone especially likes about the product or even what made them leave a bad review. Hence only reviews with text are imported from Etsy and shown here. 

All reviews are shown in their original language. Etsy automatically translates to the viewer's language, which does not always work out properly. So I decided to show you the genuine version in original language here!

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