
Lush Halo Braid Crown M Extra for all hair

€ 68,00 incl. VAT
Delivery time: Category 2: I am handmade to order esp. 4 U! Europe & UK: 8-12 BD, USA: 10-16 BD, CA/ AU/ NZ: 12-18 BD, BD=business days MANUFACTURER: Magic Tribal Hair, Melanie Penners, Schlegel street 30, 50935 Cologne, GER [email protected]

Natural halo braid hair crown & braid hair piece - makes a rustic hair crown or a delicate bun looking as if you've spent lots of time and money at the hairdresser's! Still you can make it at home by simply wrapping and pinning the attached braid hair piece - it will only take you a couple of minutes and you are ready for your wedding or other formal occasion! For the braided hair crown simply twist the attached braid once around its beginning, then drape it around your head and secure with hair pins - done!

Click here to read more about our long-lasting hair crowns & bun-solution!

Braid, volume size M in extra long with slightly crimped hair texture! The crimped texture is much straighter in extra long hair compared to short hair up to 55 cm/ 22 inches. So the hair looks almost straight when braided.

Handmade to order and custom-matched to your hair color.

Braids by Magic Tribal Hair are super long-lasting hair pieces, because they can be opened, combed and braided again (or twisted as a twist braid) - they look like new every time you wear them! Never wear a fringy braid again!

Size M of crimped hair offers great volume to wear as single braid. Crimped hair texture means that the hair has tiny zigzag waves, hence the big volume. Crimped hair is very easy to braid and braids of crimped hair make great, voluminous buns/ chignons, too. The bun is simply made by pinning up the attached plait - just like making a bun of your own hair!

This size can also be worn open, as small open hair extension. Crimped hair is great for fantasy, steampunk and Goth styles.

This braid hair extension is about 90 cm/ 36 inches long and 4.5 cm/ 1.8 inches wide when braided.

Please understand that this personalized item is made to order especially for you and cannot be returned! Read all details in our general terms and conditions.
Some product pictures show how to combine this hair piece with other hair jewelry, clip-in hair pieces etc.. These items must be purchased extra.

We only use Kanekalon hair - best quality in synthetic hair! 
Kanekalon hair has a real touch feeling, a natural shine and is very carefree.

All hair pieces are delivered with detailed instructions for attachment, use and care. 


Choose between two attachment options in the menu above: 

1. Basic Attachment = strong hair tie

You can choose the basic attachment, if your hair is longer than shoulder long and if you don't have fine/ thin hair. Still the fishtail attachment is most practical for braids and never too much, you can add it for any hair length! 
There are several ways to use the basic hair tie attachment:
1. The braid is opened, attached to your own ponytail and braided together with your own hair, see pictures with blonde haired doll below. This is the most time consuming attachment and you need some additional hair jewelry to cover the attachment properly and hide the bonding part where the hair is bonded with glue. Still this is a popular way of attachment for many customers.
2. Attach the braid braided to your own ponytail. Your own hair is used to counter-secure the hair fall by being wrapped around the attachment and being secured with hair pins (see first row with black braid). You can also braid your hair before wrapping it around (see second row with blonde lady). This makes an even nicer finish and it is easier to secure and less stressful for your own hair.
basic hair tie attachment instructions for braid

2. Professional Fishtail Attachment = strong hair tie and two additional strands of hair which complement your own hair so you have more to wrap around the attachment.

This means it's much easier to
1st secure the hair extension and 
2nd to cover the junction of your own hair and the synthetic hair!
The direct fusion of your own hair and the additional hair of the fishtail attachment offers maximum hold and is the most natural looking way to attach a hair piece!
This fishtail attachment upgrade provides extra strong hold (i.e. needed for acting and dancing) and most customers find it more comfortable to wear and easier to handle than the basic attachment. I named it fishtail attachment, because the two extra strands reminded me of the shape of a fishtail when I created this attachment method.
The fishtail attachment is highly recommended when you have thin/ fine hair or hair shorter than shoulder long. As it is never too much, you can even add it, if your hair is shoulder long or longer, of course. It is also nice to have, if you like the small buns which occur when the fishtail attachment is used.
braid professional fishtail attachment instructions

Click here if you wish to see some more styling variants with professional fishtail attachment!


Das eigene, natürliche Haar hat meistens 2-3 Farben, nur ganz dunkles Haar (Farbe 1-6) fällt oft einfarbig aus. Aus technischen Gründen können bei diesem extra langen Haar nur einfarbige Haarteile oder zweifarbige mit Strähneneffekt angefertigt werden. Bei den kürzeren (55 cm langen) Haarteilen können wir Ihre Haarfarbe ganz genau anfertigen, es kann sein, dass dies bei diesen extra langen Haarteilen nicht 100 % möglich ist und wir nur ein Ihren Haaren sehr ähnliches Haarteil anfertigen können. Gerne können Sie das vor dem Kauf abklären und dann gegebenenfalls auf die kürzere Länge ausweichen.

Klicken Sie hier für eine extra große Farbkarte!

Klicken Sie hier für weitere Infos zur richtigen Farbwahl!


Geben Sie uns die perfekten Anweisungen für Ihre Maßanfertigung in nur 3 Schritten mit den Auswahlfeldern ganz oben:

1. Feld: HAARFARBE (Farben oder "Beratung benötigt" wählen)

Scrollen sie bis unter die Farbkarte zu den Auswahlmenüs. Drücken Sie die Strg-Taste und klicken Sie ein oder zwei Farben an, die Sie für Ihr Haarteil wünschen. 1-2 Farben sind im Preis enthalten, mehr Farben können bei dieser Länge nicht gewählt werden. 
Option: Wenn Sie das Haarteil bereits kaufen möchten, aber noch unseren Rat für die Haarfarbe wünschen, können Sie auch einfach nur "Beratung erwünscht!" wählen. Hier kann die Lieferzeit nicht eingehalten werden, sie beginnt dann mit dem Werktag, an dem uns alle Informationen für Ihre Maßanfertigung vorliegen. Fallen durch die nach dem Kauf getätigte Farbwahl Aufpreise für Sonderfarben an, so erhalten Sie hierfür eine separate Rechnung. Die Lieferzeit beginnt dann mit Ihrer Zahlungsanweisung für diese zweite Rechnung. 

2. Feld: Genaue Farbproportionen falls gewünscht hier notieren

Sollen die gewählten Farben zu verschieden großen Anteilen in Ihrem Haarteil vorhanden sein, dann tragen Sie bitte die gewünschten Proportionen in den kleinen Kasten ein, zum Beispiel 2/3 Farbe 8 und 1/3 Farbe 30. Lassen Sie den Kasten leer, wenn wir alle Farben zu gleichen Anteilen verwenden sollen.


Jetzt noch das Haarteil in den Einkaufswagen legen und Ihre Auswahl ist gesichert!


Sie sind unsicher? Mittels eines einfachen Fotos können wir Ihnen bei der Auswahl helfen! Sie möchten die Haarfarbe lieber mit Hilfe von Farbmustern selbst bei sich zu Hause bestimmen? Auch das ist möglich!

Einfach hier klicken, Infos lesen und passende Fotos oder Farbmusterbestellung schicken!

Reviews are published only upon authentication. Reviews which cannot be linked to an order are not published, so please insert the mail address of your order with your review! Naturally your mail address won't be published. All details here!

Sissel in our shop on Etsy on Feb 25, 2023 Posted on 17 April 2023 at 18:57

Wonderfull hair bun. Looks amazing. Easy to pin on to the back of my head.

Melanie responded on Apr 17, 2023

I just wanted to add that this is a multi-styling hair piece and you can make more styles than just the hair crown shown in the picture below, which is also the first listing picture. One of these other styles is a chunky braided bun. So Sissel is using it rather for this purpose which you can also see pictures of when you open the listing. That's why I wanted to add this information here, because otherwise this review might sound confusing ;-). More options with this ponytail hair extension are: A long braided braid, a long twist braid and the twist braid pinned up into a bun makes a more fluffy bun - a rose bun. Yes, you can also undo the braided braid and twist the hair into the twist braid style ;-).

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