
Hair Fall Size L, waves

€ 109,00 incl. VAT
Delivery time: Category 4: I am handmade to order esp. 4 U! Europe & UK: 14-19 BD, USA: 16-23 BD, CA/ AU/ NZ: 18-25 BD, BD=business days MANUFACTURER: Magic Tribal Hair, Melanie Penners, Schlegel street 30, 50935 Cologne, GER [email protected]

Hair fall, volume size L with wavy hair texture!
Made to order and custom-matched to your hair color. 

Size L offers very rich volume and is perfect for a large, open mane! 

This hair piece is about 55 cm/ 22 inches long.

Please understand that this personalized item is made to order especially for you and cannot be returned! Read all details in our general terms and conditions.
Some product pictures show how to combine this hair piece with other hair jewelry, clip-in hair pieces etc.. These items must be purchased extra.

We only use Kanekalon hair - best quality in synthetic hair! 
Kanekalon hair has a real touch feeling, a natural shine and is very carefree.

All hair pieces are delivered with detailed instructions for attachment, use and care. 


Choose between two attachment options in the menu above: 

1. Basic Attachment = strong hair tie

You can choose the basic attachment, if your hair is longer than shoulder long and if you don't have fine/ thin hair. Still the fishtail attachment is never too much, you can add it for any hair length! The hair fall is pulled over your own ponytail. Your own hair is used to counter-secure the hair fall by being wrapped around the attachment and being secured with hair pins (see first row with braid). You can also braid your hair before wrapping it around (see second row with open hair falls). This makes an even nicer finish and it is easier to secure and less stressful for your own hair.

2. Professional Fishtail Attachment = strong hair tie and two additional strands of hair which complement your own hair so you have more to wrap around the attachment.

This means it's much easier to
1st secure the hair extension and 
2nd to cover the junction of your own hair and the synthetic hair!
The direct fusion of your own hair and the additional hair of the fishtail attachment offers maximum hold and is the most natural looking way to attach a hair piece!
This fishtail attachment upgrade provides extra strong hold (i.e. needed for acting and dancing) and most customers find it more comfortable to wear and easier to handle than the basic attachment. I named it fishtail attachment, because the two extra strands reminded me of the shape of a fishtail when I created this attachment method.
The fishtail attachment is highly recommended when you have thin/ fine hair or hair shorter than shoulder long. As it is never too much, you can even add it, if your hair is shoulder long or longer, of course. It is also nice to have, if you like the small buns which occur when the fishtail attachment is used.

Click here if you wish to see some more styling variants with professional fishtail attachment!

Hair Color

Your hair color can be matched perfectly including highlights, lowlights and all shades, because all braided headbands are made to order exclusively! One's own hair usually contains 2-3 colors (only dark hair often consists of 1 color only), hence we include up to 3 colors in the price.

Click here for extra large color charts!

Click here for more information about choosing the right color mix!


How to give us perfect color instruction in 3 steps only, with the help of the menus above

The price includes a custom mix of up to 3 basic colors, a fourth or fifth color can be added at extra costs. Some special colors also cost extra, you will see this in the menu.

1st menu HAIR COLOR, choose your colors or enter "advice needed".

Press Ctrl and click all the colors you wish to choose for your hair piece. If you need more than 3 colors, choose the upgrades 4th or 4th and 5th color from the drop down menu, so the extra fees are added. If you forget this, we will send you a manual invoice for the extra fees and delivery will be delayed, because we can only start making your hair piece after this second invoice has been paid. 
Option: If you want to make your purchase, but still need our support in choosing the best color match, choose "Advice needed!" instead. In this case delivery time cannot be met, because we can only start making your order when all information is complete. If extra costs because of a 4th or 5th color or special colors occur, we will send you a manual invoice and delivery time will only start after payment for this second invoice has been effected.

2nd box for optional color proportions "Insert proportions for colors if desired here"

If you wish more of one color and less of another use the little message box to insert desired proportions (e.g. 2/3 of color 8 and 1/3 of color 30). When you leave this box free, we will use equal proportions of all colors.

3rd menu "details for color mix"

Tick one of the checkboxes. If you wish several colors in a fine blend and one to be added as highlights, use the message box for proportions to tell us which one the hightlight color is.

Put the hair piece in your cart to safe your choice!

Do you need any help? Feel free to send us a picture of your hair and we will give advice! Naturall you can also order color matches to check color details yourself.

Click here for all information about appropriate pictures and sample orders!


Please contact us for any questions about our custom color hair falls and hair pieces!

Reviews are published only upon authentication. Reviews which cannot be linked to an order are not published, so please insert the mail address of your order with your review! Naturally your mail address won't be published. All details here!

LaShonda Hass in our shop on Etsy on Mar 20, 2013 Posted on 2 June 2024 at 14:19

The ponytail (hair fall) is gorgeous! Exactly as I wanted. I will definitely order another. Customer service was excellent and shipping was fast, too. Thank you!

Diana Blue in our shop on Etsy on Jun 18, 2012 Posted on 2 June 2024 at 12:47

So beautiful!! I luv it!! And Melanie thanks for helping me choose the color:) Feel very much a goddess wearing it!

Lina Posted on 21 March 2024 at 10:42

Schön üppiges Haarteil ♥ Ich habe langes aber feines und glattes Haar, so kann ich mir mal eine richtige Mähne auf den Kopf zaubern! Ich muss sagen, anfangs hatte ich mit der Befestigung Schwierigkeiten, auch wenn ich die Profibefestigung genommen habe. Die ist ja für feines Haar. Aber am Hinterkopf flechten und dann die Haarmähne, die einem immer wieder "daziwschen rutscht". Ich habe das Haarteil dann einfach lokcer geflochten, denn meine hier gekauften Zöpfe mit gleicher Befestigung bekomme ich super festgemacht. Und siehe da, da ging es auch mit dem Haarteil gut. Ist ja nur locker und schnell geflochten und auch schnell nach dem Anbringen aufgemacht . Sollte man vielleicht als Tipp mit in die Anleitung aufnehmen! Ich habe das Haarteil übrigens bei meinen Pfauenfeder Zöpfchen entdeckt, ich mag die Kombi mit reingeclipsten Pfauenzöpfchen. Meine Haarfarbe wrde mit der Beratung mit Foto genau getroffen, meine klare Empfehlung!

Danielle in our shop on Etsy on May 14, 2023 Posted on 13 January 2024 at 17:36

Fun to wear, very good quality, and shipped fast. Thank you!

Myriam Posted on 6 September 2023 at 16:28

Die Haarteile sind von sehr guter Qualität und lassen sich prima den ganzen Tag über tragen. Super schnell lassen sich tolle Frisuren zaubern die den ganzen Tag über halten. Ich habe schon einige Haarteile bestellt und bin nie enttäuscht worden.

Angelika Posted on 6 May 2022 at 14:04

Melanie, mir kommen Freudentränen. Der Pferdeschwanz ist gerade bei mir eingetroffen. Ich bin gleich auf die Terrasse ins Tageslicht gegangen, und was soll ich dir sagen..... es ist genau meine jetzige Haarfarbe. Ein kühles dunkles braun mit silber-grauen Haarfäden.
Wie hast du das nur hinbekommen? Ein Traum!!!
Meine Freundinnen werden bestimmt begeistert sein, und auch in deinen Shop schauen und etwas finden.
Ich werde ein Stammkunde werden .

müller-Burkhardt Posted on 1 March 2019 at 13:38

Haarfarbe passt gut, befestigung sitzt prima, gute Qualität. Habe diesen Artikel verschenkt.

Jana Posted on 22 August 2017 at 11:13

Schönes extravagant langes Haarteil, exakt meine Haarfarbe nach Melanies ausgezeichneter Beratung. Eingeflochten oder offen zu tragen - leicht anzubringen. Übrigens: Mit den aktuellen "Tweezern", Handbürsten mit unterschiedlichen Borstenlängen aus Kunststoff, ist das Haarteil superleicht auszukämmen, mit wenig "Haarausfall". Trotz des Volumens leicht zu handhaben. Vielen Dank!

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